New Roadmap for the Relief of Covid Restrictions in Victoria | Marriage Celebrant Melbourne | Dwayne Nichols

New Roadmap for the Relief of Covid Restrictions in Victoria

28 September 2021

Last Sunday the premier announced the new roadmap for the relief of Covid restrictions in Victoria.

It’s a high-level document, and a lot of important details are still to be worked through. It’s not final.

The roadmap sets out a lot of dates providing a guide as to when these changes could take place.

There’s three important points here:

Firstly, the dates are not locked in. What they are is the government’s best guess based on achieving targets of 70% and especially 80% double dose vaccination in the community. If rates slow the changes will be delayed, if they’re faster we will be released earlier.

Secondly, the details around how many guests you can have aren’t guaranteed. All the rules will be based on the advice from the Chief Health Officer, and we don’t have that yet.

Please be cautious with any unwritten guidance you may have and remember this may change.

Lastly, it’s very clear that all our ability to have these special events is dependent on all of us taking up the vaccine as soon as we are all able.

The vaccination status of your guests WILL have a bearing on how many people can attend your wedding, and it WILL be checked AND enforced.

If you think that’ll be a problem – you need to have these conversations with your guests and your suppliers now.

By mid to late November hopefully we will be in a position where metro and regional residents of Victoria (and beyond) can meet again to celebrate weddings.

It’s a little longer to wait. I’ve been waiting a lifetime to see a Dees Premiership and if that can happen, your dream wedding can happen too.