Melbourne Autumn Season Wedding: Five Reasons that Make It So Worth It | Marriage Celebrant Melbourne | Dwayne Nichols

Melbourne Autumn Season Wedding: Five Reasons that Make It So Worth It

29 March 2021

Although spring and summer maybe more popular for weddings, autumn in Victoria is a great time of year to get married. In fact, for some couples, this is the best time to get married. Here the four reasons that make it so worth it.


If you’ve picked an autumn date you will know to anticipate a chillier climate and get ready appropriately. Your garments decisions will be undeniably more different, with exquisite long-sleeved dresses an alternative without the dread of overheating in the late spring sun. March and even late April implies a day in the high teens or even 20’s, fine and mild days though expect a chillier evening. Because of this, your decision of dress’ style will be varied, and more comfortable for men wearing full suits.

Tasteful Appeal

Autumnal blossoms, for example, orange dahlias and dazzling hibiscus prosper in the crisper seasons. Settle on flower bundles, corsages and focal points to exploit the excellent seasonal tones. Quite possibly the most famous parts of autumn are simply the beautiful shadings that exhibit during this season. Layering warm shades and gem stones in your stylistic layout and styling like dull red, consumed orange, burgundy, gold, plum, olive and dim turquoise will give your wedding a characteristic vibe and fill everybody with a heartfelt warmth to accept the excellence of the season and counterbalance the additional chill noticeable all around. Add some fuel to the fire by lighting up some matches, a stunt ensured to heat even the frostiest of visitors. Candles of any size are an incredible method to set a heartfelt mindset, particularly when the evening attracts.

Outside Setup

Autumn temperatures set an ideal background for any wedding style, however particularly an open-air occasion. Autumn is a lovely time where trees are transitioning, leaves are falling and the shine of warm tones can give an extremely pleasant setting. On the off chance that you are uncertain about holding your entire occasion outside, consider having your function outside to exploit the charming daytime sun and afterwards move inside for your gathering as the evening chill sets in.

Visitor Availability

By having an autumn wedding, the odds of a large portion of your list of attendees having holiday plans is altogether decreased as the vast majority have effectively had their downtime during summer so you don’t need to stress over avoiding occasions, just as different weddings in the pinnacle of summer. Get in and book soon before the football season starts and everybody else tries to take advantage of the last of the good weather.

Whenever you decide to hold your ceremony, remember to book your venue and your celebrant early to ensure the best availability. Call Dwayne on 0400831402 or send and enquiry through